Can You Benefit More With Solar Panels Than An ISA?

If you are contemplating about what you should do with your money, why not think about going green and invest your cash into solar panels for less than £6,000?

A well placed solar panel system in an energy efficient household could produce a 10% tax free return on investment, without the prospect frequently secured to such probable returns.

You can talk with your advisor and examine in contrast on how the typical 2 to 3% rate of interest from a cash ISA is at this moment in time.

The Climate Change Minister, Greg Barker, commented saying “The Feed in Tariff is a great way to reward homes, communities and small businesses that produce their own renewable power” and that it is a “Win-win situation – you get paid to go green!”

The Feed in Tariff system (a government backed incentive to entice the generation of renewable energy sources from ordinary households) allows electricity suppliers to pay homeowner’s a helpful fixed rate for all the solar electricity they create and to pay an extra additional amount for any that is not used by them. Not forgetting the money you will save in electricity bills!

According to the Energy Saving Trust :

A 4kWp system can generate around 3,700 kilowatt hours of electricity a year – approximately equivalent to a typical household’s electricity needs. It will save almost two tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.

System size

Savings per year

Carbon dioxide per year

Registered up until 31st March 2014 4kWp £770 1.8 tonnes
Registered on and from 1st April 2014 4kWp £750 1.8 tonnes


The solar power system could produce savings and income of around £770 a year if you register before 31st March 2014 (based on a 4kWp solar PV system suitable for a generation tariff of 13.52p/kWh).

We recommend you invest now whilst ISA returns are small and you can fix at a reasonably high rate through Solar Power.

Take Advantage Of Solar Power.

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December 18, 2023

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